Dan Verner
Historical Fiction
Dan Verner maintains four blogs, writes for Prince William Living magazine, and has published four historical novels in his "Beyond the Blue Horizon" series. Books Five and Six are finished, and this summer Dan plans rework both "Mata’s Story," in which Otto’s sister relates certain events in the Blue Horizon series, and "Diamond Duty," a Civil War baseball novel. Dan plans to start work in September on Book Seven of the series.
Dan’s wife Becky directs five choirs, teaches piano and participates in music conferences across the state. Older daughter Amy has taught fourth graders at Signal Hill Elementary School in Manassas for sixteen years, while younger daughter Alyssa serves as a HR specialist and vice-president at TML, a Manassas Xerox Company. Amy’s husband Chris McGee works at Fenwick Library at George Mason University while Alyssa’s husband, Chris Brown, manages aerospace conferences. Meanwhile, Nacho the Writer’s Cat keeps Dan company. danverner.com |