G. Mark LaFrancis
Poet and Novelist
G. Mark LaFrancis is a poet and novelist living in Natchez, Mississippi. A nationally award-winning journalist, LaFrancis has authored five middle-reader novels which are used and read in more than 20 schools. He also is the author of a three-book set of poetry based on years of interviews with soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and their loved ones. His “In Their Boots” trilogy has received high praise from authors and veterans. In Their Boots: Poems Inspired by Soldiers and Their Loved Ones - Book Three: Home was released in December. LaFrancis created a companion In Their Boots multi-media show experienced by more than 5,000 people in six states. He is the president of the Mississippi Writers Guild, a retired college teacher, and mentor to young writers. Learn more about the Guild at www.mississippiwritersguild.com
www.inspiringauthor.org |