Humor, Entertainment
A writer, humorist, and motivational speaker born with a purse in one hand and lipstick in the other, Wanda Argersinger wrote her first story in 2nd grade using all of her spelling words, which brought her to the attention of the school counselor, suggesting she get counseling. An excerpt from this story: "...mice who drink too much and party all night long...."
As a published author, Wanda has written the book currently being used in The Lupus Support Network SLESH (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Self Help) classes, written and published a number of pamphlets on various aspects of Lupus currently being used for informational purposes at The Lupus Support Network, and My Personal Health Journal, a book sold for a patient's use in recording and maintaining vital health information. This book is sold nationwide and all profits go to The Lupus Support Network. As a motivational speaker, and educator in the area of Lupus health, Wanda has been a speaker for the State of Florida Department of Health, Unlocking the Mysteries of Lupus, among numerous other organizations in Florida and South Alabama. www.wandaargersinger.com |